Fundamental symmetry tests of baryon number violation in low-energy experiments can probe beyond the Standard Model explanations of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. Neutron-antineutron oscillations are predicted to be a signature of many baryogenesis mechanisms involving low-scale baryon number violation. This work presents the first complete lattice quantum chromodynamics calculation of the six-quark matrix elements needed to connect experimental measurements of the neutron-antineutron oscillation rate to constraints on beyond the Standard Model theories. State-of-the-art lattice gauge field configurations at the physical pion mass are used and the lattice matrix elements are renormalized nonperturbatively and converted to the $\overlineMS$ scheme at 2 GeV, where perturbative scale running can be used to connect them to BSM theories. Phenomenological implications are highlighted by comparing the constraints of proposed neutron-antineutron experiments to predictions of a specific model of post-sphaleron baryogenesis. These results from lattice quantum chromodynamics are also compared to previous estimates from the MIT bag model.