
Quantum Simulation for High Energy Physics
It is for the first time that Quantum Simulation for High Energy Physics (HEP) is studied in the U.S. decadal particle-physics …
Optical and X-ray GRB Fundamental Planes as Cosmological Distance Indicators
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), observed up to $z=9.4$, can be employed as standardized candles, extending the distance ladder beyond …
Goldstone boson scattering with a light composite scalar
The appearance of a light composite $0^+$ scalar resonance in nearly conformal gauge-fermion theories motivates further study of the …
The hyperon spectrum from lattice QCD
Hyperon decays present a promising alternative for extracting $backslashvert V_us backslashvert$ from lattice QCD combined with …
New high-sensitivity searches for neutrons converting into antineutrons and/or sterile neutrons at the HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source
The violation of baryon number, is an essential ingredient for the preferential creation of matter over antimatter needed to account …
Scale setting the Möbius Domain Wall Fermion on gradient-flowed HISQ action using the omega baryon mass and the gradient-flow scales $t_0$ and $w_0$
We report on a sub-percent scale determination using the omega baryon mass and gradient-flow methods. The calculations are performed on …
Toward a resolution of the NN controversy
Lattice QCD calculations of two-nucleon interactions have been underway for about a decade, but still haven’t reached the pion …
Stealth dark matter confinement transition and gravitational waves
We use non-perturbative lattice calculations to investigate the finite-temperature confinement transition of stealth dark matter, …
Nucleon Axial Form Factor from Domain Wall on HISQ
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an upcoming neutrino oscillation experiment that is poised to answer key questions …
Near-conformal dynamics in a chirally broken system
Composite Higgs models must exhibit very different dynamics from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) regardless whether they describe the …
Detailed analysis of excited state systematics in a lattice QCD calculation of $g_A$
Excited state contamination remains one of the most challenging sources of systematic uncertainty to control in lattice QCD …
$F_K / F_\pi$ from Möbius domain-wall fermions solved on gradient-flowed HISQ ensembles
We report the results of a lattice quantum chromodynamics calculation of $F_K/F_\pi$ using Möbius domain-wall fermions computed on …
$|\Delta \mathcal{B}| =2$: A State of the Field, and Looking Forward--A brief status report of theoretical and experimental physics opportunities
The origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry apparently obligates the laws of physics to include some mechanism of baryon number …
Lattice QCD Determination of $g_A$
The nucleon axial coupling, $g_A$, is a fundamental property of protons and neutrons, dictating the strength with which the weak axial …
Short Range Operator Contributions to $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay from LQCD
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay of nuclei is believed to be one of the most promising means to search for new physics. …
Progress in Multibaryon Spectroscopy
Anchoring the nuclear interaction in QCD is a long-outstanding problem in nuclear physics. While the lattice community has made …
Lattice gauge theory for physics beyond the Standard Model
This document is one of a series of white papers from the USQCD Collaboration. Here, we discuss opportunities for lattice field theory …
Symmetries and Interactions from Lattice QCD
Precision experimental tests of the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) are one of our best hopes for discovering what new physics …
Linear sigma EFT for nearly conformal gauge theories
We construct a generalized linear sigma model as an effective field theory (EFT) to describe nearly conformal gauge theories at low …
Simulating the Weak Death of the Neutron in a Femtoscale Universe with Near-Exascale Computing
The fundamental particle theory called Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) dictates everything about protons and neutrons, from their …
Heavy Physics Contributions to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from QCD
Observation of neutrinoless double beta decay, a lepton number violating process that has been proposed to clarify the nature of …
Nonperturbative investigations of SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors
We present our lattice studies of SU(3) gauge theory with $N_f$ = 8 degenerate fermions in the fundamental representation. Using …
A per-cent-level determination of the nucleon axial coupling from quantum chromodynamics
The $\textitaxial coupling of the nucleon$, $g_A$, is the strength of its coupling to the $\textitweak$ axial current of the Standard …
Nucleon axial coupling from Lattice QCD
We present state-of-the-art results from a lattice QCD calculation of the nucleon axial coupling, $g_A$, using M$$"obius …
Flavor-singlet spectrum in multi-flavor QCD
Studying SU(3) gauge theories with increasing number of light fermions is relevant both for understanding the strong dynamics of QCD …
Calm Multi-Baryon Operators
Outstanding problems in nuclear physics require input and guidance from lattice QCD calculations of few baryons systems. However, these …
Topological Insights in Many-Flavor QCD on the Lattice
LatKMI Collaboration discusses the topological insights in many-flavor QCD on the lattice. We explore walking/conformal/confining phase …
Thermodynamics in 8-Flavor QCD
Motivated by the scenario of electroweak baryogenesis in the walking technicolor (WTC) model, we investigate thermodynamic properties …
Lattice Study of the Scalar and Baryon Spectra in Many-Flavor QCD
In the search for a composite Higgs boson in walking technicolor models, many flavor QCD, in particular with $N_f=8$, is an attractive …
Lattice Study of SU(3) Gauge Theory with Four Fundamental Fermions
As a part of the project studying large $N_f$ QCD, the LatKMI Collaboration has been investigating the SU(3) gauge theory with four …
Skewness and kurtosis of net baryon-number distributions at small values of the baryon chemical potential
We present results for the ratios of mean ($M_B$), variance ($\sigma_B^2$), skewness ($S_B)$ and kurtosis ($\kappa_B$) of net …
Möbius domain-wall fermions on gradient-flowed dynamical HISQ ensembles
We report on salient features of a mixed lattice QCD action using valence M$$"obius domain-wall fermions solved on the dynamical …
An accurate calculation of the nucleon axial charge with lattice QCD
We report on a lattice QCD calculation of the nucleon axial charge, $g_A$, using M$$"obius Domain-Wall fermions solved on the …
Neutrinoless double beta decay from lattice QCD
While the discovery of non-zero neutrino masses is one of the most important accomplishments by physicists in the past century, it is …
Light flavor-singlet scalars and walking signals in $N_f=8$ QCD on the lattice
Based on the highly improved staggered quark action, we perform lattice simulations of $N_f=8$ QCD and confirm our previous observation …
Walking and conformal dynamics in many flavor QCD
In the search for a realistic walking technicolor model, QCD with many flavors is an attractive candidate. From the series of studies …
Topological observables in many-flavour QCD
SU(3) gauge theory with eight massless flavours is believed to be walking, while the corresponding twelve- and four-flavour appear …
S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions
SU(3) gauge theory with eight massless fundamental fermions seems to be near the conformal boundary, and is a candidate theory of …
Strongly interacting dynamics and the search for new physics at the LHC
We present results for the spectrum of a strongly interacting SU(3) gauge theory with $N_f = 8$ light fermions in the fundamental …
Lattice Studies on 8-Flavor QCD in The Light of Physics Beyond The Standard Model
© 2016.We report the latest results of the LatKMI collaboration on 8-flavor QCD using Monte Carlo simulations of the lattice gauge …
Stealth dark matter: Dark scalar baryons through the Higgs portal
We present a new model of "Stealth Dark Matter": a composite baryonic scalar of an $SU(N_D)$ strongly-coupled theory with …
Detecting Stealth Dark Matter Directly through Electromagnetic Polarizability
We calculate the spin-independent scattering cross section for direct detection that results from the electromagnetic polarizability of …
Maximum-likelihood approach to topological charge fluctuations in lattice gauge theory
We present a novel technique for the determination of the topological susceptibility (related to the variance of the distribution of …
Light composite scalar in eight-flavor QCD on the lattice
We present the first observation of a flavor-singlet scalar meson as light as the pion in $N_f=8$ QCD on the lattice, using the Highly …
Lattice simulations with eight flavors of domain wall fermions in SU(3) gauge theory
We study an SU(3) gauge theory with Nf=8 degenerate flavors of light fermions in the fundamental representation. Using the domain wall …
Composite bosonic baryon dark matter on the lattice: SU(4) baryon spectrum and the effective Higgs interaction
We present the spectrum of baryons in a new SU(4) gauge theory with fundamental fermion constituents. The spectrum of these bosonic …
Walking signals in $N_f=8$ QCD on the lattice
Gluonic observables and the scalar spectrum of twelve-flavour QCD
We measure glueball masses and the string tension in twelve-flavour QCD, aiming at comparing the emerging gluonic spectrum to the …
Exploring for a light composite scalar in eight flavor QCD
In search for a composite Higgs boson (techni-dilaton) in the walking technicolor, we present our preliminary results on the first …
Composite flavor-singlet scalar in twelve-flavor QCD
We report the calculation of the flavor-singlet scalar in the SU(3) gauge theory with the degenerate twelve fermions in the fundamental …
Light Composite Scalar in Twelve-Flavor QCD on the Lattice
Based on lattice simulations using highly improved staggered quarks for twelve-flavor QCD with several bare fermion masses, we observe …
The scalar spectrum of many-flavour QCD
The LatKMI collaboration is studying systematically the dynamical properties of N_f = 4,8,12,16 SU(3) gauge theories using lattice …